
Changes to the Website

Greetings and Salutations! May went by in a flash. Lots of bizarre and wonderful happenings here at the Lion; I'll elaborate in upcoming posts. Suffice it to say that among mad-cap inventory antics, barnyard animal invasions (yes, really), and a surprise celebrity appearance, things have been quite lively in the bookstore.
I've a few immediate updates. First, you may have noticed some changes to the website. We finally have the in-store stock catalogued, so a rough version of it can be viewed by clicking on the "browse our stacks" home page button. As time goes on, the catalogue will be significantly more informative, but it should even now give a general overview of our inventory. Prices should be posted by the end of next month. Second, I have moved our "Letters from the Lion" into this blog format to make them a) easier to update and b) comment-friendly. I welcome your comments and suggestions as well as any book news you may find.
If you have any anecdotes to share about the history of our building and/or the previous businesses it has held, please email me or drop by the shop. That's all, folks, at least for now. Happy reading!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Sarah! I'll have to visit the store the next time I'm in town. I was just fiddling around and found a link to the store on the Chamber website.
Hmm... as for anecdotes about the building...

Acutally as a kid around 7 or 8 years old (I know this because I was still in the middle years of swimming lessons) I remember walking around the inside of the bookstore, inspecting the place. Looking up I remember a long semi-windy staircase that I was never allowed to climb, so what lay above seemed mysterious. I had a hard time understanding how my dad could easily pick out a book to read. Even back then I was an avid reader because my dad would take us to the library once a week. More than anything I remember the smell - dusty but in a bookish good way, if that makes any sense.
Anyhow, I'm sure the shop is very different then I remember it being, but that's how I remember it - mysterious with character. :)

-jodi c. cadle-campana

Shepherdess said...

Dear Jodi,

Great to hear from you! Yes; please stop by the store. You are not the only one to comment about its unique aroma--it is in that regard as when you first visited. My smeller doesn't work too well anymore, but I've had plenty of other folks reassure me that it is still the same. Old, clean books combined with all the cedar shelves give it an aroma that has been described by one of my more poetic visitors as "ethereal notes of eggnog and amber." That sounds good to me!
Thank you for your wonderful anecdote. I promise that this time when you visit the shop, you will be allowed up the "windy staircase" into the mysterious upper lair...I won't make you hold a grown-up's hand the whole time, either. ;)

Anonymous said...

I want to know more about the barnyard animal invasions! Hope you are doing well Sarah!
