

Greetings, WriMos!

It's the first week of the writing frenzy, and I'm excited at the feedback I so far received from ya'll. I'll make this email short so you can get back to your novel, but I've a couple of updates.

First, the kickoff donut fest was moved to this Saturday (tomorrow) at 7:30 am until 9:30 am. Come when you want; if you just want to grab a bear claw and run, that's fine, or stay and visit with other WriMos. As always, you are free to write at the store anytime. Hang out all day if you'd like--the upstairs area is usually pretty quiet. I've stocked up on some gourmet coffees and teas for WriMos only.

Also this Saturday, Mike Kearby, author of Road to a Hanging, will be visiting the store from 10am until 11:30 am. He is available for book signing as well as for chatting about writing in general, and so I encourage you to drop in to say howdy. His book is young adult's historical fiction, so bring the kids if you have any. This event is free and open to the general public as well as you, our illustrious writers. (On the same note, be sure to pencil in time for the Author Extravaganza on Nov. 30th, 7pm-8:30pm. More info on that, later.).

What else...Oh! Hopefully everyone has done this already, but just in case: Don't forget that you have to register at http://www.nanowrimo.org/ in order to participate in this event. If you haven't, it's not too late, but we're already on Day Four, so I encourage you to sign up this week. And if you haven't started your novel yet or decided, "Ah, well, there's always next year..," CARPE DIEM! You only live once! You can do it! It's not too late to begin (Three participants will be starting their novel tomorrow, and my money's on their actually finishing before anyone else.)! Write...write like the wind, my fleet and frisky authors! And did I mention that I'm giving gift certificates to anyone who hits the 50,000 word mark? Writer's, rejoice!



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