
NaNoWriMo 2007

Greetings and Salutations! Sorry that it's taken me so long to post here--I'll catch you guys up in a later post (maybe!). First, business:

National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo (pronounced na-no-wry-mo) for short, is November, and we're hosting Stephenville's participants. If you're interested in becoming part of this insane writing phenomenon, go for it. In addition to signing up with the official site, please drop me a line or drop by the store on or before Oct 31st, and you'll become eligible for the "WriMos only" in-store perks and events. Come on...you've always said you wanted to write a book, right? Here's your chance to ride a wave of intense literary momentum to help you achieve that goal.

Again, if you plan on participating, you must sign up at http://www.nanowrimo.org/. Writers, rejoice.

We are hosting a kickoff donut fest from 7am until 10am on November 1st. Bring your special pens and writer's caps! Please shoot me an email if you plan on dropping by so I can buy enough donuts.


Sue Seibert said...

Hi. I grew up in S'ville but now live in Mineral Wells. Will try to make it down at some point...right now we are in Wimberley and won't be back until Monday or Tuesday. Hope to see you soon.

Shepherdess said...

Great! Looking forward to another new face. Are you participating in NaNoWriMo, by any chance? If so, be sure to let us know by the 1st so we can sign you up for all the rights and honours thereof.