
Bookstore News

After a decade of wonderful service, Diana’s Book Trader has closed its doors.

Diana was always friendly and gracious to other local bookstores, especially to the Literary Lion. She is a nice lady and a book lover, and that‘s always a great combination. Book addict that I am, I was a customer of hers as well as a colleague. I am sad that she is no longer in the book trade, but wish her many blessings for her future.

The closing of Diana’s Book Trader left an availablity of space just across from our primary shop.

This couldn't have had more synchronous timing. Ever since the Lion started hosting the Lone Star Library (book collector Bob Dunn's stellar Texana collection...check it out here) upstairs in what was formerly its paperbacks section, I've been scratching my head, wondering, "What am I going to do with all these books?" Who knew the answer would turn out to be, "Open a second shop!"?

The Literary Lion is open for business, same as always, but all of its half-price paperbacks and discount hardbacks will soon be for sale at the second location: “The Literary Lion, Too.”

I hope to have the new store open in early March. As soon as I have a concrete date set or any further details, I will post them on this blog.


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